On Tuesday 10 September in pleasant autumn sunshine the core group of walkers who had walked from County Carlow were joined by Archbishop Eamon Martin and Archbishop John McDowell and a group of young people from St Catherine’s College and St Patrick’s Grammar School for the walk from Navan Fort to the cathedrals in the ecclesiastical capital of Ireland.

Walkers from the local U3A group, Friends of Columbanus Bangor and various others joined the walk.

The first stop was the Church of Ireland cathedral where there was a short reflection.

Then the group walked the short distance across the city to the Roman Catholic cathedral where there was another reflective moment.
The final stop was at the Cardinal O’Fiaich Library where there was a welcome cup of tea/coffee on arrival. The Director, Roddy Hegarty outlined the wide range of material held in the library. He referred specifically to historical documents relating to the crypt for Saint Columbanus in Bobbio which were on display.
Everyone enjoyed the walk and the Friends of Columbanus Bangor are grateful to all those involved in the planning this particular stage of the pilgrim journey.